There was a study that stupid people are more likely to rate themselves as being smarter than those around them. The intelligent people walk through life assuming everyone else is as smart as they are and being constantly disappointed. The stupid people walk through life smug and content.
It's a depressing confirmation of the fact that being smart really doesn't get you very far. I mean, genius level fine, you'll probably do okay - although, we really have no idea how many geniuses are just stuck in their parents basements, incapable of life, so maybe not. But just your everyday, garden variety, above average intelligence isn't much of a boon. Idiots prefer idiots, and it doesn't pay to be the only person in a meeting who wants to gouge out their eyeballs. People can tell.
But then I think, am I the stupid one? Is it possible I am so stupid I can't see that other people are smarter than me? When my peers discuss how fat our erstwhile accountant Donna is, and wax poetical on the nature of said fat, am I actually bored of a conversation that is just over my head? Maybe Donna's fat is a metaphor for something - the emptiness of life or the futile nature of our jobs. Maybe I am the stupid one, not understanding the social rituals of my tribe. Maybe it's just me.
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