I heard you talking about the posters. While I admit that hanging visual representations of our company's core values in the elevator banks is completely fucking ridiculous, your smug attitude about them is really no better.
"I can't believe people really buy into this," you muttered to yourself while waiting for the elevator, then gave a nervous smile when you saw I had appeared behind you. "I mean," you said, "Maybe some people need this encouragement…" I stared at you and we rode to the lobby in silence.
While I can almost appreciate your point of view as I too sometimes feel that I am the only sane one here, I am not nearly egotistical enough to really believe it. We all think the pyramid is shit. I would bet you that even the guy who designed it, thinks it is shit. There is probably one person in the entire company who doesn't think the pyramid is shit and even he has his suspicions. So your amazement at these posters' existence, with its implied condescension at all the assholes you work with, is frankly, irritating. No one believes in anything here, certainly not the posters. We're just getting through the day, just like you.
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