Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lying in an Interview

Everyone lies in interviews.  If you accuse them after the fact, people say "Oh no, I didn't lie, I just exaggerated."  Whatever, you lied.  It's fine.  Everyone lies.  I lied to get this job.  In my interview, they asked if I had ever worked with some obscure computer system and I said fuck yeah and I was hired.

I experienced some mild panic over the lies I had told, but then I did what any sane person would do and Googled everything.  When I came to work I had at least some knowledge of what I was saying I was an expert in.  And I have never been found out, effectively transforming my lies into truths.

Now you on the other hand.  I remember your interview.  You were so calm, so self-assured, but just nervous enough that I didn't think you were an asshole.  You told me how much you liked problem-solving, how great you were with numbers, how just totally fucking smart you were.  You were a breath of fresh air and didn't look like you were about to cry, which is more than I can say for the girl who interviewed before you.

At this point you've worked here long enough for me to realize that your interview was either a once in a lifetime fluke, or you are a sociopath with different personalities.  And I've been moving towards accepting that.  I'm working through it, it's a process.  However, when I hear you say, just outside my office door, in casual conversation with an intern, how much you hate problem-solving (who the fuck SAYS that), how horrible you are with numbers, and how, overall, you consider yourself pretty dumb - well, this is a new level.  You are a whole fucking new level.